Babaji's Kriya Yoga Initiations

In Babaji's Kriya Yoga the significance of initiation is often overlooked. Initiation is a sacred act in which an individual is given their initial experience of a means to realizing some truth. That means is a kriya or "practical yogic technique," and the truth is a portal to the eternal and infinite One. Because this truth is beyond name and form, it cannot be communicated through words or symbols. It can be experienced however, and for this one needs a teacher who can share his or her own living experience of the truth. The technique becomes a vehicle by which the teacher shares with the practioner the means to realize the truth in oneself.

  1. Initiation into Kriya Yoga is taught in an intensive weekend seminar. One will learn the system of 18 postures developed by Babaji for greater health, relaxation and energy; the 6 phases of the powerful breathing technique known as "Kriya Kundalini Pranayama" to awaken and circulate subtle energies; 7 techniques of meditation to cleanse the subconscious, to master the mind and to bring about realization of the Self and Absolute Reality. There is no charge for the initiations. The suggested contributions will, however, cover the average cost involved. The suggested contribution is $340. At the Quebec Ashram this includes the cost of lodging and meals.

Pilgramage to India

Sri Yantra

Pilgramage to India

  1. Spiritual retreat (2nd initiation): during a weekend in the country, close to nature, learn powerful techniques for awakening the chakras, yogic rest, silence, mantras, meditation during activities, and how to integrate yoga into daily activities. Suggested contribution: $340 including lodging and meals.
  2. Advanced training (third initiation): This initiation involves training in the balance of the 144 Kriyas of meditation, breathing and postures that were not taught in the first and second initiation, culminating in a series of techniques which have as goal the bringing into effect of the state of "Samadhi", the breathless state of communion with Divinity and absolute Reality. This third initiation includes specific techniques for awakening the chakras, developing the potential faculties of the mind, the "siddhis", and for experiencing a personal relationship with each of the 18 Siddhas and Babaji. These techniques are rich and diversified and they bring the integral development at all levels of the being: physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual. They include a review of the 39 techniques already taught during the first and second initiations. For more details contact Satchidananda
  3. Monthly Classes: at more than 40 cities around the world, initiates of Babaji's Kriya Yoga meet to study and meditate on the classic texts of yoga and to share experiences.
  4. Public Weekly Meetings: at various places around the world, learn the 18 postures of Kriya Hatha Yoga and be introduced to Babaji's Kriya Yoga by its practitioners.
  5. Suggested contribution: initiations and other activities are given on a suggested contribution basis only. We never allow money to become a condition or obstacle to learning Babaji's Kriya Yoga. Where interested persons do not have money, it is given free.


Order builds school near Rudraprayag

எமது அறக்கட்டளையானது ருத்ரப்ரயாக் அருகில் நிர்மானித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கும் பாடசாலை..

விபரங்களுக்கு இங்கே க்ளிக் செய்யலாம்.

Silence -Mouni Baba

மனிதனுக்கும் இறைவனின் விந்தைகளுக்கும் இடையேயான முதல் சந்திப்பு மௌனத்தின் மூலமே ஏற்படுகிறது. மௌனத்தின் அமுதத்தை ருசியுங்கள்.



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