Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage to the Himalayas

September 12 – 30, 2024

with M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

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Photo Album from the September 2023 Pilgrimage to our Badrinath Ashram by Satchidananda

Due to the overwhelming interest in our past Himalayan pilgrimages, M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund will lead another group of Kriya Yoga students on a pilgrimage to Badrinath, which is associated with Babaji's life and realization. It will be an unforgettable experience in the homeland of Yoga, where Babaji's Kriya Yoga was given birth. We will be comfortably lodged in the 13 apartments of our new Badrinath ashram, situated close to the border of Tibet, at an altitude of 10,000 feet.

On a pilgrimage, one seeks to come close to the Divine by meditating in sacred places that provide a terrestrial "doorway" to the Infinite and the Absolute. One may easily experience the "Divine Presence" in such a place as Badrinath, which has been sanctified by the spiritual practices of many yogis and saints. There will be group practice of Kriya Yoga and satsang in the ashram’s yoga and meditation halls at least twice daily to deepen your experience. There will be outings to various places of interest, including Vasudhara Falls, Vyasa Gufa, Neelakantan Peak, Badrinath Temple and the hot springs bathing ghat. The main focus on this pilgrimage will be on our practice, on doing our sadhana in Badrinath and in the area of Mana, which is the doorway to Babaji’s Etheric Ashram at Satopanth Tal.

We have scheduled this pilgrimage to coincide with the time of year when the weather is the most pleasant in the Himalayas: after the monsoon period, cool, with perhaps a few cold evenings. The hotels have also been carefully selected, as much as possible for their Western style comfort and facilities. Ground transportation will be in a comfortable bus. We will slowly meander to Badrinath, spending several days in Rishikesh/Hardwar to acclimate. It will take require two comfortable day drives to reach Badrinath.

Babaji's Kriya Yoga Pilgrimages In India
Badrinath Ashram


Thursday September 12: Depart Montreal and fly to New Delhi, direct flight on Air Canada. If leaving from Europe, depart by Friday September 13, 2024.

Friday September 13: Arrive to New Delhi, and either take a connecting flight to Dehradun’s Joly Airport, or stay the night at a hotel near the airport. Depending on the time of your arrival in Delhi, plan on staying overnight, as flights to Dehradun are between 6:30am and 6pm. We can recommend a hotel, please inform us. Please plan your flight so you can arrive in Delhi on Saturday morning.

Saturday Septmber 14: Fly from Delhi to Dehradun’s Joly Airport, then take a taxi to the Divine Resort Hotel in Rishikesh. Stay at Divine Resort Hotel on Ganges, at Lakshaman Jula for 3 nights.

Sunday September 15: Spend the day visiting Rishikesh, attend the evening Ganges puja at Ram Jula.

Monday September 16: Visit the caves and ashrams in the Rishikesh area and bathe in the Ganges.

Tuesday September 17: Leave Rishikesh for Rudraprayag, 150 km journey, 6 hours travel time. Night halt. Stay at the Monal Resort Hotel.

Wednesday September 18: Rudraprayag to Badrinath, 7.5 hours travel time. Visit the Shankaracharya monastery and cave in Josshimutt. Move into the apartments of the new ashram. 8 nights.

Thursday September 19: Group sadhana early every morning. Orientation visit to Badrinath in afternoon. Yoga class every day at 3:30 pm followed by group sadhana, dinner at the ashram, and kirtan or lecture in the evening.

Friday September 20: Morning visit Badrinarayan Temple and Tapt Kund. Sacred bath. First mantra yagna at the ashram in early afternoon.

Saturday September 21: Visit Mana. Visit Vyasa Gufa cave, and the confluence of the Saraswati and Alakananda Rivers.

Sunday September 22: Day of sadhana at the ashram. Puja and yagna lead by priest.

Monday September 23: Hike to Vasudhara Falls via Mana. Sadhana at ashram..

Tuesday September 24: Leisure day. Optional: Hike to base of Mt. Neelakantan for meditation.

Wednesday September 25: Day of Sadhana. Second Mantra Yagna at our Babaji Ashram and mantra diksha.

Thursday September 26: Leave for Rudraprayag, 160 km, 7 hours drive. Stay one night at Monal Hotel.

Friday September 27: leave for Rishikesh, 170 km, 8 hours. Stay at Divine Resort Hotel for 2 nights.

Saturday Septeber 28: Visit ashrams in Hardwar of Lahiri Mahaysya and Anandamoya Ma for evening puja.

Sunday September 29: late afternoon, taxi to Joly Airport, 30 km from Rishikesh. Take a flight to New Delhi. Depart for home late October 6, or early October 7.

Monday September 30: return home.

Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage
Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage
Sadhana in the mountains
Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage
Beautiful scenary in India

Riding an Elephant
Group Photo with Satchidananda and Durga


The total price of the proposed pilgrimage from September 12 to 30, 2024, will be US$2,625 or CAD$3,550 or 2,500 € plus airfare. You can make flight reservations and purchase your tickets yourself. We can provide advice. The cost of roundtrip airfare is generally between $1 600 and $2 000 from North America, and 700€ from Europe. We require that you have travel medical insurance. We recommend AAA or CAA, or for Canadian residents, Tour Med.

Connecting flight between Joly and Delhi airports. At the beginning of the pilgrimage, you will need a connecting flight from the New Delhi International Terminal #3 to the Joly airport in Dehradun not later than September 14. At the end of the pilgrimage, it will be important for you to have a ticket and reservation from Joly Airport to Delhi on late afternoon September 29, so that you can arrive in Terminal 3, the International Terminal in the Delhi airport, where you will have an easy connection to your international flight late night September 29/30. It is a short 30 minute flight which may cost about US$100 or CN$135 each way. We can recommend Vistara airlines ( or if you have a credit card with a 3D chip you can buy a ticket online with Indigo Airlines (  Both airlines are conveniently located in the New Delhi International Terminal (#3) “Domestic Wing” where there is also the Holiday Inn Express Hotel..

As we have found that most people vary in their meal preferences, it does not include most of your meals, which will probably average less than $25 per day. During the 7 nights we are in hotels, only the breakfasts are included, not the lunches and dinners. However, during the 8 nights we will stay at the Badrinath ashram, the cost of breakfasts and suppers, but not the lunches is included in the price.

The cost of fees for obtaining a visa for India is not included in the price. Participants must apply for an India tourist visa online with the agency representing their country's India Embassy.


To reserve your place send a letter, fax or email to M. G. Satchidananda at 196 Mountain Rd, PO Box 90, Eastman, Quebec, Canada J0E 1P0, telephone 450-297-0258, email Satchidananda, and as soon as possible a deposit of US$500 or 450 or C$650 which you can also pay with your VISA or Master or AMEX card. All checks should be payable to "Babaji's Kriya Yoga", and sent to our Quebec address by check or VISA or Master card. In Europe, you may make your payment to "Marshall Govindan" in a transfer to Deutsche Bank, International, BLZ 50070024, account no. 0723106, re. IBAN DE09500700240072310600, BIC/Swift code DEUTDEDBFRA. We must receive the balance of the cost by August 12, 2024. If you require flight insurance, and you are Canadian, you may contact Rashimi at 416-880-4129.

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Wonderful view
Pilgramage Group photo
Durga and Satchidananda
Beautiful photo of the moutains on Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage
Someone you may meet on Babaji's Kriya Yoga Pilgrimages


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