Babaji's Kriya Yoga - Articles

Marshall Govindan (Satchidananda)

  • The Psychic Being: Our Opening to the Divine By Marshall Govindan

    A version of the article will be appearing in The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, forthcoming from Bloomsbury Academic,  in 2019, a publishing company registered in the United Kingdom

    Under what conditions will the fully opened Psychic Being bring about the supramental transformation by the practice of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga? This paper will attempt to answer the question.

Click to download Silence - Mouni Baba pdf

Through Silence the first meeting between man
and the Mystery of God is accomplished. Taste the nectar of Silence.

download PDF

DVD - The Hatha Yoga Program for People with Diabetes

The Beneficial Effects of Excercise and Yoga on Diabetes: A Survey of Medical Research

by Marshall Govindan, M.A. and Dr. Emilia Ripoll-Bunn, M.D.

download PDF

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 3 -  Fall - 2023 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 3 - Fall 2023
  • “There is only one Guru in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, and that is Babaji,” by Durga Ahlund
  • The Language of Kundalini, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Practice of Vairagya: Letting go, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Acharya Tara is inducted into the Order of Acharyas
  • Order of Acharyas Annual Report and plans for 2024
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 2 -  Summer - 2023 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 2 - Summer 2023
  • Why does Babaji’s Kriya Yoga have so many techniques and require dailypractice?, by Durga Ahlund
  • Yoga for Anxiety, by M G Satchidananda
  • Make Your Life Your Yoga, by M G Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 1 -  Spring - 2023 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 30 Number 1 - Spring 2023
  • Liking and Disliking is the Disease of the Mind, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Often-Untapped Potential of Devotion, by Durga Ahlund
  • Kriya Yoga: Attunement, sadhana and service by Nityananda
  • Why meditate on the verses of the Yoga Siddhas? Book review by M G Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 4 - Winter - 2023 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 4 - Winter 2023
  • Interview with Jocelyna Dubuc, resident of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1971 to 1973. Founder of the award-winning Eastman Spa.
  • The Grace of Babaji Course, my offering to you, by Durga Ahlund
  • Nothing Special, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Order of Acharyas, Annual report and plans for 2023
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 3 -  Fall - 2022 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 3 - Fall 2022
  • Synchrony in Satsang and Seva, by Durga Ahlund
  • Sankalpa: The Power of Intention, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Review of the Bhagavad Gita: video recording, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Acharya Muktananda, a new member of the Order of Acharyas
  • Annual report and plans for 2023: Order of Acharyas
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 2 -  Summer - 2022 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 2 - Summer 2022
  • Let us celebrate and honor the liberality of Yoga Siddhantham, by M. G Satchidananda
  • I Am because you love me, by Durga Ahlund
  • How do you reconnect with the Guru? by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Yoga is a Path of Wisdom and Love, by Dr. T.N. Ganapathy
  • Acharya Chandra Devi, a new member of the Order of Acharyas
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 1 -  Spring - 2022 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 29 Number 1 - Spring 2022
  • Love Your Enemies. Be a Yogi, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Finders, Seekers and Sweet Experiences, by Durga Ahlund
  • How should we concentrate in practicing mantras? by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Vaccination, by Dr. Leonel Coudron M.D.
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 4 - Winter - 2022 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 4 - Winter 2022
  • The Witnessing Presence, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Kriya Hatha Yoga is a Spiritual Practice, by Durga Ahlund
  • Three new members of the Order of Acharyas
  • New Kriya Yoga Ashrams in Sri Lanka and Japan
  • Do Help Us to Bring Babaji’s Kriya Yoga to Others
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 3 -  Fall - 2021 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 3 - Fall 2021
  • Sri Aurobindo: Life and Legacy, by Acharya Ganapathy
  • Chaitanya, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Annual Report: Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharya
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 2 -  Summer - 2021 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 2 - Summer 2021
  • Simple Living and High Thinking by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Why Yoga is like Surfing by M.G. Satchidananda
  • The Aging Process and Cognitive Decline
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 1 -  Spring - 2021 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 28 Number 1 - Spring 2021
  • Elightened Monks by Durga Ahlund
  • The Darker Side of Midnight by Durga Ahlund
  • Mahasamadhi of Kriya Yogi Barfani Dadaji, memoirs of M.G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 4 - Winter - 2021 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 4 - Winter 2021
  • Samadhi: How long will it take? Or, how to stop wasting time and remain awake, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • The Yamas versus the Pandemic and the Climate Crisis, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 3 -  Fall - 2020 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 3 - Fall 2020
  • Disinformation, Distrust, Discernment and Dharma, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Achieving Health and longevity from Kriya Yoga Pranayama Practice, by Durga Ahlund
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 2 -  Summer - 2020 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 2 - Summer 2020
  • Concentration: Making Life Sacred, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • How and why Yoga, Ayurveda and diet can strengthen your immune and nervous systems and treat particular pre-existing conditions, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 1 -  Spring - 2020 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 27 Number 1 - Spring 2020
  • Prayer versus Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Divine Inner Alchemy of Kundalini Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 4 -  Winter - 2020 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 4 - Winter 2020
  • The Psychic Being: Our opening to the Divine by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Ushuaia – An Initiation at the End of the World, by Acharya Annapurna
  • Lord Muruga: The transmutation into a new consciousness, by Acharya Nityananda
  • Acharya Dharmadas, a new member of the Order of Acharyas
  • Update to our Annual Fundraising
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 3 -  Fall - 2019 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 3 - Fall 2019
  • The Psychic Being: Our opening to the Divine by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Making your life your Yoga through Karma Yoga, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • The inner space of the Self, by Acharya Nityananda
  • Order of Acharyas Annual Report and Plans for 2020
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 2 -  Summer - 2019 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 2 - Summer 2019
  • Are you sincere? Or even truthful with yourself? by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Vision of God, by M.G. Satchidananda by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Preserve your health and the planet with plant protein, Part 2, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Book review: The Recognition of Our Own Heart
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 1 -  Spring - 2019 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 26 Number 1 - Spring 2019
  • Yoga is the practical side of All Religions, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Preserve your health and the planet with plant protein, Part 1, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Identifying useless thoughts, by Acharya Nityananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 4 -  Winter - 2019 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 4 - Winter 2019
  • That by which you fall is that by which you rise, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Does our morality depend on our belief in the existence of God? by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, by Durga Ahlund
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 3 -  Fall - 2018 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 3 - Fall 2018
  • Seek Babaji to become Babaji, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Absolute freedom in the post humanist world, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Kundalini, samskaras, and how to keep moving forward in Yoga, by Nityananda
  • Order of Acharyas: Annual report and fundraising
  • Satsang, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 2 - Summer - 2018 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 2 - Summer 2018
  • Mystery and beauty of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Absolute freedom in the post humanist world, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Understanding and managing anger with meditation, by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Profiles: Acharyas Ganapathy and Annapurnama
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 1 -  Spring - 2018 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 25 Number 1 - Spring 2018
  • Love is God, Anbu Sivam, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Absolute Freedom in the Post Humanist World, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Profile: Acharya Siddhananda Sita
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 4 -  Winter - 2018 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 4 - Winter 2018
  • How to get the most out of your practice of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga? by M.G. Satchidananda
  • Is the Kingdom of Heaven Within You? By M. G. Satchidananda
  • A profile of Acharya Turyananda, by Turyananda
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 3 -  Fall - 2017 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 3 - Fall 2017
  • Showing the Path to others: Arrupadai, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Classical Yoga and the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Part 2, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Yoga for Children, by Acharya Maitreya
  • Annual report of activities of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • News and Notes

Kriya Yoga Journal - Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 2 -  Summer - 2017 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 2 - Summer 2017
  • Seek Babaji to Become Babaji, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Classical Yoga and the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • Acharya Kriyananadamayi offers Yoga classes to more than 450 children and 39 school teachers in remote, war torn northern Sri Lanka
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 1 -  Spring - 2017 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 24 Number 1 - Spring 2017
  • Populist politics and our duty as Yoga Sadhaks, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Nine Forms of Bhakti Yoga: the Path of Love and Devotion
  • How to make your work your Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • Body, Self and Consciousness according to Tirumular’s Tirumandiram, by Dr. Geeta Anand
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 4 -  Winter - 2017 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 4 - Winter 2017
  • How to eliminate the effects of Karma through Kriya Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • Tadeu Arantes joins the Order of Acharyas in Badrinath, by Acharya Ganapat
  • Kitchardi: The Yogi Power Meal, by Acharya Skandavel
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 3 -  Fall - 2016 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 3 - Fall 2016
  • A Pilgrimage is an Adventure in Consciousness, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Kriya Yoga center and Lilleoru community in Estonia, by Ave Oit
  • The ABCs of Deepening Your Practice of Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga
  • The Delicate Charm of an Enduring Kriya Yoga Sadhana, by Durga
  • Order of Acharya’s: Annual report and plans for 2017
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 2 -  Summer - 2016 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 2 - Summer 2016
  • Kriya Yoga, kundalini and the chakras, by Acharya Nityananda
  • My life before I found Kriya Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Does traditional Indian Yoga continue to have a place in the 21st Century?, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Come together in satsang, by M. Govindan Satchidananda
  • Enlightenment: Its Not What You Think, new book by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 1 -  Spring - 2016 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 23 Number 1 - Spring 2016
  • Karma Yoga or Freedom from Consequences, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Beauty of the Bhagavad Gita, by Durga Ahlund
  • Sincerity, Global Political economy, and Greed, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Profile: Gurudasan joins Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas
  • The Treasure Trove of Tamil Yoga Siddha Manuscripts
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 4 -  Winter - 2016 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 4 - Winter 2016
  • Equanimity: keeping calm when life brings disturbance, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • From self knowledge to Self Realization, by Acharya Jnanashakti
  • Profile: Acharya Jnanashakti
  • Do the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and those of the Siddhas diverge with respect to sexuality? By M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Way of the Tao, by Siddhar Boganathar (Lao-Tsu)
  • Annapurna Ma joins Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 3 -  Fall - 2015 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 3 - Fall 2015
  • Editorial: Love, Grace and the Guru, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Overcoming difficulties in the practice of Yoga, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Sthira and Sukha: Finding stillness and joy in your practice of Kriya Hatha Yoga, by Durga Ahlund
  • Order of Acharyas Annual Report for 2015 and Plans for 2016
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 2 -  Summer - 2015 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 2 - Summer 2015
  • Editorial: “Is God still in the world?” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • The Steady Inner Gaze Upon Shakti, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Transforming the Body by the Descent of Truth Consciousness, by Nityananda
  • Kriya Yoga: The Journey Home, by Bhumika Pandya, in India
  • Questions and Answers: An important resource in managing doubts, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 1 -  Spring - 2015 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 22 Number 1 - Spring 2015
  • Editorial: “I don’t have time to practice Yoga or to meditate,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • In Pursuit of Tamil Kriya Yoga Siddhantha, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • A Change in Perspective Brings Self-Realization, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • When Divinity Descends, by Rajendra Gupta
  • Yoga Siddha Research Project Publications
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 4 -  Winter - 2015 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 4 - Winter 2015
  • Editorial: "Babaji Samyama Kriya requires Opening and Receptivity" by M. G. Satchidananda
  • My Darshan of Babaji at Satopanth Tal, Badrinath, by M. Govindan
  • “New study finds that meditation effective treating depression and anxiety, and can bring enlightenment”, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Did you know that Western “modern postural yoga” has the roots of its development in 19th Century Swedish gymnastics?
  • The Ultimate Knowledge, by Acharya Nityananda
  • Kudambay: Bring Joy to our life, by Acharya Nityananda
  • News and notes & Michel Zonatto from Brazil joins Order of Acharyas
  • Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah: Apostle of Tamil Kriya Yoga Siddhantham by M. Govindan

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 3 -  Fall - 2014 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 3 - Fall 2014
  • Editorial: “Sexuality, Celibacy and Tantra, an interview" with M. G. Satchidananda
  • Book Review: Footsteps of Ramalingam, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • “The Death of Time”, by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Annual report and plan for 2015, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas
  • “Action with Awareness” (Kriya) comes to Hollywood, film review of Lucy, by M. G Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 2 -  Summer 2014 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 2 - Summer 2014
  • Editorial: “This Divine Maya,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • Interview : “Siddhantha, Advaita, and Yoga,” with M. G. Satchidananda
  • “Laya Yoga and the Five Elements,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 1 -  Spring 2014 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 21 Number 1 - Spring 2014
  • Editorial: “The Divine Worker,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • “Blockages and the Heart,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • “Vast luminous space: vettivel,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • “Seeking Your True Self,” by Durga Ahlund
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 4 -  Winter 2014 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 4 - Winter 2014
  • Editorial: “They are not two,” by M. G. Satchidananda
  • “Self-Challenge: Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, by Durga Ahlund
  • Profile: Acharya Nagaraj
  • “My Journey from Darkness to Light,” by Acharya Kailash
  • Preventive and therapeutic applications of tumeric
  • Book review: Kriya Yoga: Insights Along the Path, by Acharya Kailash
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 3 -  Fall 2013 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 3 - Fall 2013
  • "The Practice of Babaji's Kriya Yoga in the light of recent advances in neuroscience" by M.G. Satchidananda
  • "Thinking outside the box to overcome your difficulties" by M.G. Satchidananda
  • "Why build an ashram in Badrinath?" by Durga Ahlund
  • "Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas: Annual report and plans for 2014"
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 2 - Summer 2013 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 2 - Summer 2013
  • "The Result of Sacrifice is Bliss" by M.G. Satchidananda
  • "Babji's Kriya Yoga is a gift and a blessing" by Durga Ahlund
  • "Tantra: the path of the 18 Siddhas, Part 2" by Nityananda
  • "The Stages on the path to Self-Realilzation in the Thirumandiram" by Shivam S. Christiansen
  • Profile: Acharya Shivadas
  • News and Notes

Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 1 - Spring 2013 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 20 Number 1 - Spring 2013
  • Awakening from the Dream with intensity and purpose
  • Tantra: the Weave of Consciousness by Nityananda
  • Profile: Acharya Nandi Devar
  • Truth Speaks by Yoga Siddha Sivavakkiyar, new publication
  • Silence by Mouni Baba
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 4 - Winter 2013 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 4 - Winter 2013
  • Fear and mastery of the vital body
  • Interviews with residents of the Kriya Yoga Ashrams
  • Profile: Acharya Satyananda, by Marina Kapur
  • Kriya Hatha Yoga Intensive
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 3 - Fall 2012 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 3 - Fall 2012
  • Georg Feuerstein, 1947 to 2012, some reminisces
  • Babaji's Kriya Yoga: Widening Awareness by Durga Ahlund
  • Profile: Acharya Siddhananda Sita
  • Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism, by Dr. Geetha Anand and Professor T.N. Ganapathy, Part 4
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 2 - Summer 2012 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 19 Number 2 - Summer 2012
  • Our Psychic Opening to the Divine
  • Do you love God? or how to prevent the practice of Yoga from becoming an ego-trip
  • Profile: Acharya Skandavel
  • Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism, by Dr. Geetha Anand and Professor T.N. Ganapathy, Part 3
  • News and Notes

Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 18 Number 3 - Fall 2011
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 18 Number 1 - Spring 2011
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 4 - Winter 2011

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 3 - Fall 2010 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 3 - Fall 2010
  • Yoga, Consumerism, and the Sixth Mass Extinction by Georg Feuerstein and Brenda Feuerstein
  • Integration of Unconsciousness
  • Annual Fundraising Report on the 2009-2010 year.
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 2 - Summer 2010 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 2 - Summer 2010
  • Seeing the Manifestation of Grace
  • The Kumba Mela and its Ascetics: or Why a Pilgrimage is not a Tourist Trip, Part 3
  • Do what you love and the money will follow
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 1 - Spring 2010 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 17 Number 1 - Spring 2010
  • Being and Doing in the Presence
  • The Kumba Mela and its Ascetics: or Why a Pilgrimage is not a Tourist Trip, Part 2
  • Champlain’s Dream
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 4 - Winter 2010 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 4 - Winter 2010
  • Breaking through Conditioning
  • The Kumba Mela and its Ascetics: or Why a Pilgrimage is not a Tourist Trip, Part 1
  • The Tirumandiram: a monumental publication
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 3 - Fall 2009 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 3 - Fall 2009
  • The Yoga Siddha’s Path to Immortality, Part 2
  • Bearing Witness to Homelessness
  • Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and its Philosophical Origins in Saiva Siddhantham, Part 2
  • Facebook User Group Forms: Babaji Kriyabans
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 2 - Summer 2009 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 2 - Summer 2009
  • The Yoga Siddha’s Path to Immortality, Part 1
  • Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and its Philosophical Origins in Saiva Siddhantham
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 1 - Spring 2009 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 16 Number 1 - Spring 2009
  • Yoga as Medicine
  • Silence is Golden
  • Yoga in America” study reveals that Yoga is becoming a therapeutic tool for many health conditions
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 4 - Winter 2009 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 4 - Winter 2009
  • A Time for Change
  • Anatomy of Desire: Creating Emotional Balance through spiritual Self-awareness
  • Depression and Other Mental/Emotional Stumbling Blocks
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 3 - Fall 2008 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 3 - Fall 2008
  • Do all paths lead to God? Part 2
  • Is it Time for a Awareness Check-up?” by Durga Ahlund
  • Do help us bring Babaji’s Kriya Yoga to persons like you around the world
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 2 - Summer 2008 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 2 - Summer 2008
  • Do all paths lead to God? Part 1
  • The most important thing you can do to help resolve global warming: become vegetarian
  • Survey finds religion in U.S. less dogmatic and more diverse
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 1 - Spring 2008 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 15 Number 1 - Spring 2008
  • Shaktipat, ego-crushing and holy madness
  • Judgment, or how to avoid harming others and ourselves
  • The Art of Meditation: Part 2
  • New book: “Kriya Yoga: Insights along the path
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 4 - Winter 2008 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 4 - Winter 2008
  • The result of sacrifice is Bliss
  • The Art of Meditation, Part 1
  • Question and answer
  • Book Review by Georg Feuerstein Ph.D.: “The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 3 - Fall 2007 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 3 - Fall 2007
  • How do we know whether we are progressing spiritually?
  • What is devotion and is it necessary
  • Annual Fundraising for our Charities
  • Badrinath Ashram project report
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 2 - Summer 2007 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 2 - Summer 2007
  • Invite them to dinner
  • The Food Mantra
  • Maya and Saiva Siddhantha
  • Why Do We Practice Yoga," Part 2
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 1 - Spring 2007 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 14 Number 1 - Spring 2007
  • Integral spirituality
  • Movement and resistance: Accepting change in the body
  • Sri Lanka Ashram
  • Why do we practice Yoga, Part 1
  • News and Notes

Click to view Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 13 Number 4 - Winter 2007 Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 13 Number 4 - Winter 2007
  • Editorial: “Real progress: Willing a New Year in 2007,”
  • Thirumular as Guru, Part 2 by Vyasa
  • Sayings and Parables of Jesus
  • New Book: “Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas”
  • News and Notes

Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 13 Number 1 - Spring 2006
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 12 Number 4 - Winter 2006
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 12 Number 2 - Spring 2005
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 12 Number 1 - Spring 2005
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 11 Number 4 - Winter 2005
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 11 Number 4 - Winter 2005
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 11 Number 1 - Summer 2004
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 11 Number 1 - Spring 2004
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 10 Number 2 - Summer 2003
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 9 Number 4 - Winter 2002-03
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 9 Number 3 - Autumn 2002
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 8 Number 4 - Winter 2001-02
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 8 Number 3 - Fall 2001
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 6 Number 1 - Spring 1999
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 3 Number 1 - Spring 1996
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 2 Number 1 - Spring 1995
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 1 Number 4 - Winter 1994-95
Kriya Yoga Journal - Volume 1 Number 3 - Autumn 1994


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Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec

1st Initiation
May 17-19, 2024
May 24-26, 2024
August 30 - September 1, 2024

With M. G. Satchidananda

August 9-11, 2024       With Nandi

Quebec: click here for details
Warwick, RI: click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton

Classes will resume in September…

Satsang meeting for initiates: click here for details
Kirtan with Luna Sundari: click here for details

2nd Initiation
June 21-23, 2024
October 4-6, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 19-28, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
July 31 - August 15, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

NEW: Receive our Inspirational Babaji message cards!
via WhatsApp or Instagram

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* Testimonial *

student testimonials and insights

Click here for 1st initiation
Click here for 2nd initiation

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