Babaji's Kriya Yoga Silent Retreats


  • 6:30 am to 8:30 am Group practice of pranayama and meditation.

  • 10:00 am to 11:00 am Brunch.

  • 3:30 pm to 5 pm: Yoga Asana class followed by Yoga Nidra. Deepening your practice with M. G. Satchidananda and Durga

  • 5 pm to 6 pm Group practice of pranayama and meditation

  • 6:00 pm: Dinner

  • 7:00 pm. Inspirational lecture by M. G. Satchidananda on a theme related to silence, Self-Realization and inner awareness, with instruction in methods to deepen your practice.


Outside of these times, participants will be free to pursue their own sadhana, study, record in their journal, and use all of the facilities of the Ashram, including the Tapas Kutir by the lake. Bring your cross country skis and snowshoes!


Tapas Kutir



Flowers on land at Babaji's Kriya Yoga ashram in Quebec

Cost of Silence Retreat: Given the current economic recession, we have decided to offer this Silence Retreat program to support everyone who desires to deepen their practice and understanding of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, and to contribute to world peace through our silence and tapas. We are requesting a suggested contribution of $65 per day, with a minimum of two days required.

The silence retreat program begins at 6:30 a:m on December 27, and ends on December 29, at 8pm.

RSVP with the date and approximate time of your arrival and a deposit of $60 by check payable to “Kriya Yoga Publications” PO Box 90, Eastman, (Quebec) J0E 1P0 or credit card authorization to telephone 1 888 252 9642 or via our website “Enroll in activity.” If you need assistance with local transportation, let us know.



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Kriya Yoga Journal
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Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec

1st Initiation
May 17-19, 2024
May 24-26, 2024
August 30 - September 1, 2024

With M. G. Satchidananda

August 9-11, 2024       With Nandi

Quebec: click here for details
Warwick, RI: click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton

Classes will resume in September…

Satsang meeting for initiates: click here for details
Kirtan with Luna Sundari: click here for details

2nd Initiation
June 21-23, 2024
October 4-6, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 19-28, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
July 31 - August 15, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

NEW: Receive our Inspirational Babaji message cards!
via WhatsApp or Instagram

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* Testimonial *

student testimonials and insights

Click here for 1st initiation
Click here for 2nd initiation

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