Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage to South India


December 29,2025 to January 14, 2026

with Acharya Satyananda

Nelamangala Sitaram

In early 2026, we will have again our traditional pilgrimage tour to sacred sites of South India. In January, 2026, Acharya Satyananda will guide a group of initiates and devotees of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga through the country of the Tamil Siddha Yoga tradition, this time with a couple new destinations for this tour and with New Year’s eve in our ashram in Bangalore. Satyananda has guided our pilgrimage tours to India and has been teaching Babaji’s Kriya Yoga in India for more than a decade now. The tour is guided in English with translations into languages of accompanying Acharyas.

Visit holy places of South India’s ancient and profound spiritual culture, meet with several living spiritual masters, practice daily guided Kriya Yoga in sacred sites at ashrams, old temples, samadhi shrines, on mountain tops and at the water front, visit our own ashram in Bangalore and two ashrams of world-renowned saints in Tiruvannamalai and Pondicherry, and a vedic heritage ayurvedic resort at the Western Ghats, and travel through the beautiful nature of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, touching the sunny countryside of countless coconut trees, the beautiful Western Ghats mountain range, and the shores of the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.


Organizer: Satchidananda
Tour Guide: Satyananda

Article by M. G. Satchidananda: " A pilgrimage is an adventure in Consciousness"

Meghana & Varsha 2012


More information with complete itinerary and registration and booking details will follow soon for download.

Sadhana in the mountains
Kriya Yoga Pilgrimage
South India School Kids - 2011
SIP2012 Homa Harinarayanan
SIP2012 Palani

Riding an Elephant
SIP2012 Pullipani Sivananda
Social Monkeys





* Testimonial *

Click here for details

Link to KRIYA YOGA PILGRIMAGE TO HIMALAYAS - September 15 – October 3, 2022


South India Monkey
Wonderful view
Pilgramage Group photo
Durga and Satchidananda
Elephant Blessing
Temple Prasadam


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Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec

1st Initiation
May 17-19, 2024
May 24-26, 2024
August 30 - September 1, 2024

With M. G. Satchidananda

August 9-11, 2024       With Nandi

Quebec: click here for details
Warwick, RI: click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton

Classes will resume in September…

Satsang meeting for initiates: click here for details
Kirtan with Luna Sundari: click here for details

2nd Initiation
June 21-23, 2024
October 4-6, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 19-28, 2024
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
July 31 - August 15, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

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* Testimonial *

student testimonials and insights

Click here for 1st initiation
Click here for 2nd initiation

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